The Bible is a library of 66 books written by multiple people under the inspiration of God, over a span of approximately 2000 years, and in three languages (Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic). Some of the books are historical like Genesis and 1 and 2 Kings. Some are poetical like Psalms. Some are instructional like Proverbs and the New Testament epistles (letters). Some are prophetic like Isaiah and Revelation. When studying a book of the Bible, it is important to keep in mind what type of book it is, who wrote it, when it was written, why it was written and how it applies to our lives today.
The purpose of this site is to provide a verse by verse study of all 66 books of the King James Bible, also referred to as the Authorized Version (AV). No commentaries will be used. The only reference book that will be used is Strong’s Concordance which gives the English meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words used in the Bible. This Bible study is a work in progress and will be added to daily until complete. At the present time, my studies of only a few books in the Old Testament have been completed.
All non-scripture words written are mine and I alone am responsible for the content. As the writer of this Bible study, I strive to represent the Word of God in truth. I may be wrong at times, and you, as the reader, are responsible for checking what I have written against the scriptures. Never accept my words or anyone else’s words without scrutinizing them for accuracy. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15, AV) This is a command and not a suggestion because it will help prevent wrong interpretations of the scriptures which can lead to confusion and division among believers.
My husband is a photographer and I wanted to make this site more that just a plain site with text. Therefore, he has graciously allowed me to use his images throughout the site for the readers enjoyment. Each Bible book can be accessed by clicking on the image with the name of the book you are interested in studying. I hope these images not only bring pleasure, but help to remind all readers of this site of the awesome creative power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is not the purpose of this site to expose false teaching, false Bible translations, or false establishment churches. Other writers have already accomplished this task. It is the purpose of this site to show the reader what the Bible verses say as opposed to what the reader might have been told the verses say. You decide. If your pastor and/or church teaches that you don’t have to be baptized to be saved and I happen to show verses that, when not taken out of context, clearly show that you do have to be baptized, then you, the reader, have to decide what to believe and what action, if any, you should take. If your pastor and/or church teaches that you have to give ten percent of your income before taxes to the church and I happen to show verses that teach contrary to this doctrine, you, the reader, have to decide for yourself what is true and what isn’t, based upon the Word of God.
I hope you, the reader, are as blessed in reading this as I am in preparing it and writing about the Word of God. Thank you.